The Game (1997)
David FincherWriters:
John D. Brancato, Michael FerrisThis movie shows a lot. Only, don't be deceived. The end shows him being "brought back from the dead" after a false, but voluntary, suicide, being received by the "woman-in-red"-pregnant with someone else's baby ex-wife, and voluntarily paying for part of "the game" they put him through. Complete with actors playing real life roles and fake shooting events all pre-planned, this movie has many warning signs that the average movie-goer simply finds entertaining. Don't let them fool you with their "identity theft" surveillance and snooping news stories. This is spiritual and psychological as the covers image even shows. A battle over hearts and minds. As the news reporter says to him through the television, don't call them "asking what the object of the game is. Figuring that out is the object of the game." Not the "Game of Life". The movie "The Game". Life is not a game. Death is a game. As in a relationship, love does not play games and does not deceive. To use lies and deceit, theft, murder, shame and guilt only brings about death. A voluntary, real spiritual death, or "suicide", brings about life and peace. It cannot be forced, and it should not be stopped. The world itself teaches you that assisted suicide is the same as murder and that doctors induce labor through administering mind-altering drugs, or an Epidural, in order to force childbirth and in an effort to reduce the sensation of pain. Pain is essential in achieving life. I'm not talking drugs here. I'm talking about altering the mind. One has to be willing to naturally go through a spiritual death and childbirth. He has said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Many more clues are hidden throughout the movie. Here are some:
1) a key pulled from the mouth of the clown and what the key goes to;
2) "Consumer Recreation Services";
3) paranoia created by the enemy, yet he has a sense of pride about knowing just a little;
4) running from authority and the "dogs";
5) the notion she believes that garbage would break their fall;
6) his love interest's "shame";
and many others.
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